Photobook Design and Publishing (Apr 13-Jun 1)
Dates: April 13 - June 1, 2025 (no class April 20, May 11 and May 25)
Meetings: Sundays, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM CST (5 sessions)
Location: Online Zoom Classroom
Cost: $280 (HCP members can receive a 10% discount)
Instructor: Alexa Becker
Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Despite the dominance of digital images in our daily lives, photobooks are still a celebrated and popular medium used by many photographers. Photobooks allow for photographers to elevate a project’s narrative, aesthetics, and themes through variables such as photographic sequencing, inclusion of text, design elements, binding, and more. This course will take students to the next level of developing a photographic project into a photobook, encouraging students to explore the full potential of their series and refine it. Students will practice writing about their work, explore how best to reflect the essence of their photography and consider possible collaborations. This course will be an engaging development of practical skills based on a wealth of profound knowledge about the publishing world, as shared by the instructor. The groundwork laid in the instructor’s preliminary course, “Publishing Your (First) Photobook”, will be expanded upon, but it is not a prerequisite.
Edit & sequence your work in a compelling way
Work on the ideal “Outfit” of your book: Cover, Size, Binding, etc.
Understand the important relationship between text and image
Capture the essence of your work in writing
Research and recognize potential authors for your book
Identify suitable publishers and understand where & how to approach them effectively
Learn about photography book publishing at large
Gain knowledge about the financial realities and funding options for your photo book
Have a photo project ready to be discussed and shaped to be potentially published
Course Prep:
Be prepared to share your project via Zoom. Either as a PDF or embedded in one of the common design programs you choose to work with. Have a short project statement ready.
Dates: April 13 - June 1, 2025 (no class April 20, May 11 and May 25)
Meetings: Sundays, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM CST (5 sessions)
Location: Online Zoom Classroom
Cost: $280 (HCP members can receive a 10% discount)
Instructor: Alexa Becker
Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Despite the dominance of digital images in our daily lives, photobooks are still a celebrated and popular medium used by many photographers. Photobooks allow for photographers to elevate a project’s narrative, aesthetics, and themes through variables such as photographic sequencing, inclusion of text, design elements, binding, and more. This course will take students to the next level of developing a photographic project into a photobook, encouraging students to explore the full potential of their series and refine it. Students will practice writing about their work, explore how best to reflect the essence of their photography and consider possible collaborations. This course will be an engaging development of practical skills based on a wealth of profound knowledge about the publishing world, as shared by the instructor. The groundwork laid in the instructor’s preliminary course, “Publishing Your (First) Photobook”, will be expanded upon, but it is not a prerequisite.
Edit & sequence your work in a compelling way
Work on the ideal “Outfit” of your book: Cover, Size, Binding, etc.
Understand the important relationship between text and image
Capture the essence of your work in writing
Research and recognize potential authors for your book
Identify suitable publishers and understand where & how to approach them effectively
Learn about photography book publishing at large
Gain knowledge about the financial realities and funding options for your photo book
Have a photo project ready to be discussed and shaped to be potentially published
Course Prep:
Be prepared to share your project via Zoom. Either as a PDF or embedded in one of the common design programs you choose to work with. Have a short project statement ready.
Dates: April 13 - June 1, 2025 (no class April 20, May 11 and May 25)
Meetings: Sundays, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM CST (5 sessions)
Location: Online Zoom Classroom
Cost: $280 (HCP members can receive a 10% discount)
Instructor: Alexa Becker
Skill Level: Intermediate-Advanced
Despite the dominance of digital images in our daily lives, photobooks are still a celebrated and popular medium used by many photographers. Photobooks allow for photographers to elevate a project’s narrative, aesthetics, and themes through variables such as photographic sequencing, inclusion of text, design elements, binding, and more. This course will take students to the next level of developing a photographic project into a photobook, encouraging students to explore the full potential of their series and refine it. Students will practice writing about their work, explore how best to reflect the essence of their photography and consider possible collaborations. This course will be an engaging development of practical skills based on a wealth of profound knowledge about the publishing world, as shared by the instructor. The groundwork laid in the instructor’s preliminary course, “Publishing Your (First) Photobook”, will be expanded upon, but it is not a prerequisite.
Edit & sequence your work in a compelling way
Work on the ideal “Outfit” of your book: Cover, Size, Binding, etc.
Understand the important relationship between text and image
Capture the essence of your work in writing
Research and recognize potential authors for your book
Identify suitable publishers and understand where & how to approach them effectively
Learn about photography book publishing at large
Gain knowledge about the financial realities and funding options for your photo book
Have a photo project ready to be discussed and shaped to be potentially published
Course Prep:
Be prepared to share your project via Zoom. Either as a PDF or embedded in one of the common design programs you choose to work with. Have a short project statement ready.
Images:© Esra Klein, Workshop at Fotografie Forum Frankfurt (courtesy of Alexa Becker)