2025 Print Auction Exhibition
February 20th to March 16th, 2025
© Robert Frank
The 2025 Print Auction will highlight the mission of HCP by featuring the incredible work over 75 local, national, and internationally-renowned artists. The range and quality of the art are a testament to HCP’s deep importance to the photographic arts in Houston and across the country.
HCP is excited to give you the opportunity to view the amazing and diverse array of photo-based works that can be yours through our online and live Print Auction. Plan your visit to the gallery today, and reserve your seat for the Print Auction & Gala for in person bidding on these artworks and more!
Register to bid on silent auction items from anywhere!
2025 Print Auction Opening Reception:
February 20th
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Adam Jeppesen
Alain Gerard Clement
Alana Campbell
Alejandra Regalado
Allison Plass
Anderson & Low
André Ramos-Woodard
An-My Lê
Anna Rotty
Arthur Meyerson
Bénédicte Vanderreydt
Briana Vargas
Cannon Bernáldez
Carolyn Monastra
Charles Ford
Chehalis Deane Hegner
Christopher James
Cristina Velásquez
David Levinthal
David Reinfeld
Deborah Bay
Doug DuBois
Eadweard Muybridge
Gay Block
Geanna Merola†
George Krause
Germán Herrera
Heather Evans Smith
Herman Leonard
Hillerbrand + Magsamen
Hope Mora
Jamey Stillings
Jan Saudek
Jason DeMarte
Jerry Uelsmann†
Jo Ann Chaus
John A. Chakeres
Jordan Geibel
Kalee Appleton
Karen soledad Navarro
Kazuaki Koseki
Kehrer Verlag - Publisher
Kenda North
Kim Llerena
Kris Sanford
Krista Svalbonas
Kristin Schnell
Laszlo Perlaky
Lawrence P. Lander
Letitia Huckaby
Libbie Masterson
Lisea Lyons
Liz Hingley / The SIM Project
Matthew Finley
Nancy Burson
Nina Welch-Kling
Osamu James Nakagawa
Paul Caponigro†
Prince Varughese Thomas
Prospex Park
Rashed Haq
Rashod Taylor
Ray Bidegain
Rich Frishman
Richard Alan Cohen
R.J. Kern
Robert Frank†
Robert Langham III
Robyn Stoutenburg McDaniels
Sam Jentsch
Scott Hilton
Steve Wrubel
Suzanne Theodora White
tamara suarez porras
Vasantha Yogananthan
Wendi Schneider
William Wegman
*lists current as of 02/02/2025
†made possible by Malcolm Daniel and generously donated by the Peter C. Bunnell Estate