©Meg Griffith (left), ©Louie Palu (right), ©Monse Guajardo (bottom),
The 42nd Center Annual opens on 3/27 Click here to submit!
The Center Annual is Houston Center for Photography’s yearly group exhibition that seeks to highlight and provide insight into current themes, technologies, and practices in photography. The show features a diverse array of works from members of our global photography community and is selected by a leading curator, editor, or artist. This annual exhibition opens our galleries to photographers from anywhere in the world, whether emerging, mid-career, or established, and as such, aims to provide viewers with critical insight into our current moment—both within the field of photography and within society at large. Of those selected, two artists are chosen to receive the HCP Juried Membership Honoraria of $500 each.
About the Juror, Asha Iman Veal
If you’re an HCP member, apply now by clicking here.
Not a member? Join now!
Thursday, March 27th – Call Opens
Sunday, April 27th – Deadline for Entries
Monday, April 28th - Sunday, May 4th – Jurying (via Submittable)
Monday, May 5th – Juror’s Decisions Due
Monday, May 19th – Juror’s Statement Due
Monday, June 2 - Wednesday, June 11 – Install
Thursday, June 12th - Sunday, August 17th – Exhibition on Display, opening reception on June 12th, 6-8pm
Absolutely not! As long as you’re an HCP member and want to show your photo-based work, you’re welcome to apply.
No, this is an international open call.
HCP staff, Board, Advisory Council, Committee members, and their significant others are not eligible. Interns are eligible to apply.
No, there is no entry fee, but you must be a member of the Houston Center for Photography to apply for this call, for which there is a fee. If you are a member but do not know your membership number, contact us at (713) 529-4755 ext. 10 or
Not a member? Click here to join!
Members receive 15% off online and onsite courses, along with gaining the opportunity to enter either one or both of annual calls for entry: The Center Annual and the HCP Fellowship Awards.
The calls you may enter depends on the membership level you select.
Carefully edit a group of no more than 5 images or videos that describe your current photographic work.
Videos should be saved as either QuickTime (.mov) files or MPEG-4 (.mp4) files. Images should be resized using the following specifications:
JPEG (.jpg) or PNG (.png) filetype
72 DPI
2000 pixels (px) on the LONGEST side
Adobe RGB (1998)
You will also need to have the following information available:
Artist Statement
Artist Bio
CV or Artist Resume (PDF or Word Doc)
Artist Website (if applicable)
Title, Year, Size (in inches) and Medium of each piece
We use the application platform Submittable for all of our calls for entry. Once the call opens, clicking the “APPLY NOW” button will take you directly to the online portal to submit your application.
Once on Submittable, You will need to click “Submit” to begin the submission process. Then you can start to copy/paste your artist statement and resume or bio into the form and complete the questions. At the end, you will be able to upload your images to submit.
Make sure you have your HCP membership number handy since you’ll have to enter it during the application process.
Yes. Each year a new juror is selected to ensure that there is a fresh set of eyes on our members’ work.
No, you cannot submit work that has previously been exhibited at Houston Center for Photography.
Applicants will be notified via the e-mail used for their Submittable submission about whether or not their work was accepted into the exhibition shortly after the Juror makes their decision. From there, the HCP will reach out to the Exhibitors to schedule shipping arrangements.
HCP retains the right to reject any selected work that differs from the work submitted.
HCP shall provide insurance covering the Selected Work commencing from the time the work is picked up for shipment from the Exhibitor, continuing throughout the Exhibition, and terminating upon redelivery of the work to the Exhibitor or to such other address as specified by the Exhibitor. HCP retains the right to display and reproduce work accepted for this exhibition for publicity and promotional purposes—including but not limited to advertisements regarding the future of HCP’s Exhibitions department, Education department. A. C. E programs, and other areas in promotional of the HCP. The Exhibitor retains the original copyright to their artwork.
• HCP is responsible for the payment of the costs of shipping to and from HCP via ground shipment only. HCP will not cover the cost to produce a crate or for any other packaging materials. Packaging peanuts are NOT permitted.
• HCP is responsible for installing and lighting the Exhibition.
• The Exhibitor’s entry constitutes understanding and agreement with the conditions outlined in this prospectus.
• HCP Memberships are nonrefundable.